[Infographic] How Prepped Are You For When SHTF

About two weeks ago we invited all of our readers to take a short survey about their own level of preparedness. We all know what we should be doing to be prepared for an emergency but its interesting to have a sense for how well one is doing relative to others in our community. The…

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The Prepper and Survivalist Survey

We love doing survey and then posting the results in a later article on our site. The results give everyone an idea of how you are doing relative to your fellow survivalists. Today’s survey is focused on Prepping and covers five key things: Water Food Shelter Security Other –>>Take the Survey Now Please take a…

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Benefits of Survival Dogs

In survival situations we often have to be concerned about how much we can fit into the car or the backpack when we bug out. Dogs do take up space in the car and their food can take up space in the backpack but do their benefits out weigh their drawbacks? Here are some of…

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