Everyday Tactical: Keeping Your Hands Free

Sometimes the simplest things we do can have a great payoff in the long run. I would like to pass one tip to all of you responsible gun carrying citizens. In a way this concept was ingrained in my mind when I was in Marine Corps Bootcamp. We were trained that, while in uniform, we were not to…

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Isolate the Family and Defend the Room

There are a lot of different philosophies out there about home defense tactics. I don’t feel that any of them paint a full picture of the best course of action for every potential scenario. Since we can’t predict every potential situation we can’t assume that a single response plan is going to work all the…

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Top Principles of Shooting From a Covered Position

In late April 2015 we published an article about the difference between cover and concealment. This article is to guide you in some of the general principles of shooting from behind cover. Most of what you have been trained or told to do is likely incorrect and will expose you in a way that will…

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