Posts Tagged ‘gun’
The State of Concealed Carry in Illinois
Noticeably absent, though, you would think would be Cook County, due to the high population of Chicago, and while there are over 47,000 concealed carriers in the county, its population is precisely why it not only isn’t in the top 25 counties
Read MoreIllinois: The County With The Highest Concealed Carry Rate in the State
A recent Reboot Illinois report, released on July 20th has listed the counties in Illinois which have the highest concealed carry permit populations. Topping the list in licenses issued was, of course, Cook County. The state’s highest populated county issued 47,000 concealed carry permits over the last year, but ranked dead last in permits issued…
Read MoreMobile App Released for USA Gun Owners
Who would have thought releasing a gun related app for smartphones would be so difficult and expensive? Over a year ago we started developing our mobile app with a few key objectives in mind. We wanted to create a powerful, “one stop” resource for American Gun Owners at no cost and free of advertising. After…
Read MoreGun Buying Tips for the Forgotten Demographic
I plead guilty. Yes, I have not paid enough attention to a very important group of gun enthusiasts and self defense pistol shooters. In a past article, Where to Begin When Choosing Your Firearm for Concealed Carry, I provided some help to those purchasing a gun for personal defense. I look back and with regret, realize that I…
Read MoreGrip Your Handgun Correctly and Shoot Better
If you have taken any formal marksmanship class, chances are, you have heard the fundamentals of marksmanship mentioned (grip, aim, trigger control, breath control, stance). These are pretty much universally accepted as the main 5 fundamentals. Depending on the focus of your marksmanship, i.e. marksmanship for competition shooting versus personal defense/combat focused shooting, the list of the 5 main…
Read MoreGet the Latest Firearm News and Training Articles on Your Amazon Kindle
After a few nudges from our readers we have finally published our articles via the Amazon Kindle. Amazon has a program that allows websites like us to make our content available automatically to Kindle subscribers. If we could have we would have made it free but the minimum price we could set is $0.99 per…
Read MoreSoft Launch of USA Firearm Resources App in Google Play
Today we went live in Google Play with our first version of our mobile application. We know today’s gun owners are on the move and may not always have easy access to a desktop computer to check the latest firearm news, log their latest training trip to the range, or search for the nearest gunsmith.…
Read MoreWhere to Begin When Choosing Your Firearm for Concealed Carry
One of the questions I am asked most often is, “What is the best gun for concealed carry?” Well, if you have been around me much and asked me this question, you know already that your best bet would be to pour a cup of coffee and pull up a chair because my answer will be long…
Read MoreFive Most Popular Gun Articles From the First Half of 2015
The first half of 2015 is over and we’ve had a great amount of quality content published on our website. Today we dug through the data and are pleased to announce the five most popular articles we published in the first half of the year. Below is a disclaimer about how we arrived at the…
Read MoreHigh Capacity Magazine Limitation in Chicago
Chicago has a provision within the city code (8-20-085) that states that the carry, possession, selling, offering, or displaying for sale of any high capacity magazine is unlawful. Certain exceptions are included for…
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