Concealed Carrier Shot Intervening in Robbery
Chicago, Illinois – A concealed carry permit holder was shot and killed Saturday night when he intervened in a robbery.
According to Chicago Police Department, at around 7:15 p.m., two masked men approached 43-year-old Derrick Gholston where he was working in his food truck and flashed a pistol.
The men demanded his valuables, and Gholston handed them over. Then the men continued from robbing him, to walking into a barber shop and began to rob that business as well.
Attempting to intervene in the robbery, Gholston entered the barber shop and engaged in a shootout with the masked men.
He and one of the suspects were both struck by the gunfire in the torso, while the other masked man fled the scene.
A 51-year-old bystander in the barber shop was also struck by the gunfire in the leg and was taken to Stroger Hospital for treatment of his gunshot wounds.
Gholston, a father of two small boys, and the suspect he shot, 18-year-old Carlos Smith, were taken to Christ Memorial Hospital where they were declared dead.
CPD said they have still not located the second suspect in the robbery and ask anyone with information to call law enforcement authorities.
Roseland resident Nicholas Sidel told WGNTV,
“This is a guy that saw something terrible that was about to happen, intervened, and it’s the last thing that he did. It’s really hurtful to find out that he actually passed away.”
After police searched Smith, they discovered him to be carrying zip ties, indicating the suspects might have been planning something further.
“They had an intention to go in there, tie everybody up and rob the place,” Sidel said. “I hope they catch the guy who got away. I really do.”
Situations like the one above shows how dangerous it can be to intervene in a violent crime. Careful consideration should be given by each concealed permit holder about what they are prepared to do when faced with witnessing a violent crime taking place.
There are no wrong answers when it comes to a situation like this, but something each of us needs to be prepared for. Proper use of cover can mean the difference between life and death. Read here for training on how to Fight from Cover.
I hope he the sense to call the police first, then went to intervene. If not, then this was a stupid act, taking on 2 gunmen alone. Plus the risk of being charged with a crime. The immediate threat to him was over, now he goes towards danger- granted, to engage in a gun fight, in Chicago. The anti-gun prosecutors there would have a field day with those facts. He obviously was a good man trying to help but he was in over his head and sadly paid the price.