Ilinois Representative Seeks to Discount CCW Permits for Veterans
Representative Avery Bourne Wants to give back to the veterans of the state of Illinois. Currently the fee for a Concealed carry license is $150 for a license that needs to be renewed after five years. Bourne is sponsoring house bill HB6111, which would cut that cost in half.
This bill is a way to give back to those who have served and sacrificed so much for our freedoms,” Rep. Bourne explains. She expressed that her constituents, Illinoisans are proud of their veterans and she wants this to be another way for the citizens to say ‘thank you for your sacrifice.’
To get a permit, veterans need only meet the Illinois state requirements for recieving a CCW. According to the Illinois State Police, they must be able to say yes to these five questions:
- I am at least 21 years old.
- I have a valid Firearm Owner’s Identification card.
- I have not been convicted or found guilty of a misdemeanor involving the threat of physical force or violence to any person within the past 5 years.
- I do not have 2 or more violations related to driving while under the influence of alcohol, other drugs, intoxicating compounds within the past 5 years.
- I am not subject to a pending arrest warrant, prosecution or proceeding for an offense or action that could lead to disqualification to own or possess a firearm.
- I have not been in a residential or court-ordered treatment for alcoholism, alcohol detoxification, or drug treatment within the past 5 years.
Representative Bourne also encouraged Veterans and any other citizens who would like help obtaining the permit to contact her office at 217-324-5200